(if: $rooms_visited is 0)[You sway unsteadily. Looking around, you see that you're in Communications.
That's not good. This end of the ship is a dead end. You can reach a few rooms from Communications, but the only way back to the rest of the ship - and the armory and the bridge and the escape pods - is the way you came.
And you have a feeling the monster in the hallway might have a thing or two to say about that.
You have a few minutes to explore and gather materials before you have to start preparing for the creature to enter.
](if: $rooms_visited is 1)[You're back in Communications. The door locks behind you.
The banging continues. The creature's still out there. Can't imagine why it's so relentless. It already ate the rest of your crew, and it's not //much// bigger than a human. Surely it can't still be hungry ...
In any case, you don't have much time. The door to the hall is holding, but not for long. Only enough time to visit each of the other rooms once, you estimate, before you have to start getting ready.
](if: $rooms_visited is 2)[You're back in Communications. The door locks behind you.
The door to the hallway is riddled with dents from the creature's pounding claws. The metal seems strained. Just enough time to visit the last room before you have to start preparing for the creature to enter.
](if: $rooms_visited is 3)[The final door hisses shut behind you. The creature's relentless pounding has bent the edges of the door back, and you can see its glowing eyes through the cracks.
You only have a few moments to [[prepare.|Prepare]]
(Display: "Inventory")](if: $rooms_visited is not 3)[[[Look around.|Investigate Communications]]]
(Display: "Communications Room Selection")
The bunkroom is long and dark. Most of the lights seem to have gone out. You can only really see the first few beds.
(if: $have_garters is false)[There's a [[chest at the foot of the nearest bed.|Examine Garters]] You have one just like it at the foot of your bed, way down at the other side of the room. You use yours to store clothes, which is likely what's in this one.](if:$have_garters is true)[//You took some yellow stockings and garters from the chest at the foot of the bed.//]
(if: $have_handkerchief is false)[You notice a [[white handkerchief|Examine Handkerchief]] lying on the floor. It's splattered with blood.](if: $have_handkerchief is true)[//You picked up someone's handkerchief from the floor.//]
(if: $have_potion is false)[You remember that there's [[a first aid cabinet|Examine Potion]] on the wall. You're not injured, but it might be nice to grab some adhesive bandages for when your legs get ripped off.](if: $have_potion is true)[//You took the vial of fentanyl from the first aid cabinet.//]
There won't be time to come back here if you [[return to Communications.|Communications]]
(if: $visited_bunks is false)[
(set: $visited_bunks to true)
The kitchen is a grisly sight. This was the creature's first stop, before it went wandering and found you and the rest of the crew on the bridge.
The ship's cook, Yorick, was the first casualty. His skeleton is stripped bare, lying on the floor in front of a prep counter. (if: $have_skull is false)[[[His skull|Examine Skull]] has detached from the spine and rolled a few feet away.](if: $have_skull is true)[//You took his skull for some reason.//]
(if: $have_dagger is false)[
There's a [[blade of some sort|Examine Dagger]] stuck in the surface of the prep counter.
](if: $have_dagger is true)[
//There's a hole in the countertop from where you took the paring knife.//
Otherwise, the kitchen is unremarkable. There's various cookware around, but a well-wielded frying pan is not going to stop the monster that barely blinked when hit with a half-dozen rounds from Savoy's high-powered revolver.
There are no secret exits, no dumbwaiters, not even any floor-level cabinets with reflective surfaces that you could trick the monster into slamming its head into.
[[If you head back to Communications, you won't have time to come back here.|Communications]]
(if: $visited_kitchen is false)[
(set: $visited_kitchen to true)
The algae farm doesn't //just// contain algae, but there's certainly quite a lot of it anyway. It provides the bulk of your sustenance and oxygen for the voyage.
In addition to the tanks upon tanks of that oh-so-flavorless nutritional goop, there's also the garden.
It's part of The Globe's preservation mission. Hundreds of species of plants and flowers from Old Earth, all growing serenly and tying up an absurd amount of the ship's recycled water supply at any given time.
Oh, yes. These plants are also not to be picked or harvested //under any circumstances//.
[[Take a look at the planters and pick some stuff.|Harvest]]
[[You can also head back to Communications.|Communications]] If you do, though, you won't have time to come back here.
(if: $visited_farm is false)[
(set: $visited_farm to true)
]The stupid beast crashes against the heavy steel door, knocking you senseless and sending you hurtling to the cold metal floor.
Okay, not entirely senseless, because you are aware enough to hear the beast scream with rage from behind the door. It occurs to you that you could've never hoped to barricade the door in time, but the creature's body mass and momentum was enough to slam the door shut and trap the thing on the other side.
[[What a considerate space monster it is!|Intro1]]
<img src="" alt="smiley"/>
-->//Inventory:{(if: $have_dagger is false)[
(if: $flowers_held is 0)[
(if: $have_skull is false)[
(if: $have_potion is false)[
(if: $have_handkerchief is false)[
(if: $have_garters is false)[
]}(if: $have_dagger is true)[
A paring knife](if: $have_skull is true)[
A skull](if: $have_potion is true)[
A vial of fentanyl](if: $have_handkerchief is true)[
An embroidered handkerchief](if: $have_garters is true)[
A pair of yellow stockings with garters]
(if: $flowers_held is not 0)[(Display: "FlowersHeld")]//
You sit up as the thing begins hammering on the other side of the door. The metallic thuds reverberate through the empty, cold corridors of your ship and rattle around your dazed brain like a couple of bowling balls in a metal barrel. Judging by the dents forming in the door, you only have a few minutes before it breaks through.
You have to [[stand up.|Communications]]{
(set: $have_dagger to false)
(set: $flowers_held to 0)
(set: $have_rosemary to false)
(set: $have_pansy to false)
(set: $have_fennel to false)
(set: $have_columbine to false)
(set: $have_rue to false)
(set: $have_daisy to false)
(set: $have_loveinidleness to false)
(set: $have_skull to false)
(set: $have_potion to false)
(set: $have_handkerchief to false)
(set: $have_garters to false)
(set: $visited_kitchen to false)
(set: $visited_bunks to false)
(set: $visited_farm to false)
(set: $rooms_visited to 0)
(set: $skull_attempts to 0)
(set: $preparing to false)
(set: $wielding_dagger to false)
(set: $wielding_skull to false)
(set: $have_bouquet to false)
(set: $smelled_flower to false)
(set: $dosed_with_potion to false)
(set: $pocket_square to false)
(set: $mask to false)
(set: $stockings_on_head to false)
(set: $stockings_on_legs to false)
(set: $fake_head to false)
(set: $space_suit_on to false)
(set: $love_in_slot to false)
(set: $anything_in_slot to false)
(set: $potion_in_slot to false)
(set: $view_inventory to false)}Er, no. That's not right. Not considerate. Terrifying space monster that's trying to kill you. Already ate the rest of the crew of your space ship, The Globe.
You rub at the back of your head, where you already feel a large bump rising, and try to [[clear your head.|Intro2]] Act quickly. There are only a few things you have time to interact with.
(if: $anything_in_slot is false)[There's a [[small panel|Panel]] on the 02 tank in the corner labeled "Emergency Input." This tank supplies oxygen to the room and has an out-flow vent right above the door the creature is going to enter. If you put something in it, it could mix with the oxygen in the room.](if: $anything_in_slot is true)[//You put something in the 02 input slot.//]
You guess you could do something with the [[empty yellow space suit|Space Suit]] on the floor.
You can [[look at your inventory|Inventory Prep]] and see if you can equip anything.
If you've done everything you can, [[step away from the door and hide behind one of the holographic stations.|Creature Enters]]
(set: $preparing to true)With a terrible sound of rending metal, the door gives way and the creature bounds through.
(if: $anything_in_slot is true)[The oxygen vent above the thing's head hisses as the contents of the input valve are mixed with oxygen and released into the room. It looks up at the vent and sniffs questioningly.
]{(if: $dosed_with_potion is true)[The fentanyl takes effect and you [[lose consciousness.|Out Cold]]](if: $dosed_with_potion is false)[(if: $space_suit_on is true)[[[You try to remain as motionless as possible inside the space suit on the floor.|Hide In Suit]]](if: $space_suit_on is false and $love_in_slot is false and $potion_in_slot is false)[[[It sees you right away.|Fight]]](if: $space_suit_on is false and $love_in_slot is true and $potion_in_slot is false)[[[It sees you right away.|It Loves You]]](if: $space_suit_on is false and $love_in_slot is false and $potion_in_slot is true)[[[It sees you right away.|It Passes Out]]]]}You see a large tank in the corner that's supplying oxygen to the room. A pipe is running from it to a vent above the hallway door. There's a small panel on the tank labeled "Emergency Input."
There's an empty spacesuit lying on the floor. It's bright yellow. It would take too long to put on, and wouldn't really offer much additional protection anyway. After all, it's a space suit, not a monster suit. Although a monster suit would be pretty neat. The monster would get super confused before, you know, killing you.
There are several large holographic stations with chairs next to them.
And, of course, there's the currently closed door back to the hallway, which is rapidly getting more dented and less closed. There's a small screen next to the door - [[a digital peephole to the other side.|Peephole]]
You'll have a few moments to prepare for the monster in here after you search the other rooms.
(Display: "Communications Room Selection")
(if: $rooms_visited is not 3)[
(if: $visited_bunks is false)[(link:"Head to the bunkroom.")[(set: $rooms_visited to $rooms_visited + 1)(goto:"Bunks")]](if: $visited_bunks is true)[//The door to the bunkroom is locked.//]
(if: $visited_kitchen is false)[(link:"Head to the kitchen")[(set: $rooms_visited to $rooms_visited + 1)(goto:"Kitchen")]](if: $visited_kitchen is true)[//The door to the kitchen is locked.//]
(if: $visited_farm is false)[(link:"Head to the greenhouse.")[(set: $rooms_visited to $rooms_visited + 1)(goto:"Farm")]](if: $visited_farm is true)[//The door to the greenhouse is locked.//]]You flip the screen on and a pale, glowing image swims into view.
There's the creature, still hammering away diligently. What did McLaughlin say it was called again? Mallomar? Callibar? Caliban? Yeah, caliban is what she called it. Lot of good it does to know.
It's like nothing you've ever seen, that's for sure. Some native of this backwater, isolated planet. But with that tempest of a solar storm, you had no choice but to put the ship down here.
A solar storm can do a lot of things: fry you with radiation, knock out your ship's systems, even cause your ship to depressurize and collapse.
There's one thing solar flares //don't// do, though: they don't tear your face off and eat you. Considering the state of the rest of the crew, maybe you should've taken your chances with the solar storm.
[[Look away from the terrifying monster.|Investigate Communications]]There's a bunch of boring plants - vines and stuff, mostly. Nothing you can really use as a weapon or anything.
You stop in front of the flower planters. There are many types of flowers and herbs here, each more useless than the last. The planter is labeled with cryptic descriptions of each.
(if: $have_rosemary is false)[
Rosemary: for rememberance ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_rosemary to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])](if: $have_pansy is false)[
Pansy: for thought ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_pansy to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])](if: $have_fennel is false)[
Fennel: for praiseworthiness ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_fennel to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])](if: $have_columbine is false)[
Columbine: for folly ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_columbine to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])](if: $have_rue is false)[
Rue: for regret ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_rue to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])](if: $have_daisy is false)[
Daisy: for innocence ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_daisy to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])](if: $have_loveinidleness is false)[
Love-in-idleness: for love at first sight ((link:"Pick?")[(set: $have_loveinidleness to true)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held + 1)(goto:"Harvest")])]
(if: $flowers_held is 7)[//You picked all the flowers. Who knows, you might need every last one of them. Maybe the monster will stop if you give it a BOUQUET.//
[[Ready to head back to Communications?|Communications]] Remember, you can't come back here once you leave.
(Display:"FlowersHeld")//(if: $flowers_held is not 1 and $flowers_held is not 0)Flowers held:(if: $have_rosemary is true)[
rosemary (for rememberance)](if: $have_pansy is true)[
pansy (for thought)](if: $have_fennel is true)[
fennel (for praiseworthiness)](if: $have_columbine is true)[
columbine (for folly)](if: $have_rue is true)[
rue (for regret)](if: $have_daisy is true)[
daisy (for innocence)](if: $have_loveinidleness is true)[
love-in-idleness (for love at first sight)]//(if: $have_dagger is true)[You can [[use the paring knife|PryOffPanel]] to pry off the panel.](else:)[The panel doesn't have a handle or anything. You'd need something sharp to open it.]
[[Keep getting ready.|Prepare]](if: $anything_in_slot is false)[The panel pops off. There's a small slot labled "02 feed input."
It looks like you could fit something small into the slot.
(if: $have_skull is true and $skull_attempts < 4)[[[Put the skull into the slot.|SkullInSlot]]
](if: $have_handkerchief is true)[[[Put the handkerchief in the slot.|HanderkerchiefInSlot]]
](if: $have_garters is true)[[[Put the garters in the slot.|GartersInSlot]]
](if: $flowers_held is not 0)[[[Put some flowers in the slot|FlowersInSlot]]
](if: $have_potion is true)[[[Pour some fentanyl into the slot.|PotionInSlot]]
]](if: $anything_in_slot is true)[You put something in the slot already.]
[[You can practically smell the thing's breath. Anything else?|Prepare]](if: $skull_attempts is 0)[You press the //large// hunk of bone against the //small// input slot. It bangs against the metal noisily, but definitely doesn't fit in.
Seriously, the slot is like as big as your finger.](if: $skull_attempts is 1)[You try to shove the skull into the slot jaw first. The jaw is kinda pointy, after all. Maybe it can act like a wedge!
No, it does not act like a wedge. It doesn't work.](if: $skull_attempts is 2)[You scrape the skull against the edge of the slot, thinking that perhaps some of the bone dust will go into it. Alas, the edges of the slot are smoothe and rounded, and not so much as a sprinking of powdered skull falls in.](if: $skull_attempts is 3)[You decide that the skull is too big to go into the slot, so you put it on the ground and STOMP on it, repeatedly. So as to break it into smaller pieces, of course.
You succeed! In hurting your ankle, that is. The skull is still very much intact.](if: $skull_attempts > 3)[You pound the skull fruitlessly against the rim of the tiny input slot for a few more moments.]
(link:"Keep trying.")[(set: $skull_attempts to $skull_attempts + 1)(goto:"SkullInSlot")]
[[Try something else.|PryOffPanel]]You wad the handkerchief into a little ball and stuff it into the slot.
There. Now it's blocking the input slot. That'll stop the monster that's trying to eat you from, uh, tampering with the oxygen feed, I guess.
Er, no ... that doesn't make any //sense//. [[Take the handkerchief back.|PryOffPanel]]The garters are a fairly large garment, meant to go on your body, and the slot is a finger-width port designed for small tanks, items, or liquids. This is going to work great!
You try wadding them up, and they're still the size of a fist.
You try threading the garters into the slot from the toe, but they keep getting stuck on the inside of the slot and your hands are shaking because //there's a huge monster furiously pounding on a door just a few meters away//.
You're not sure what you hoped to accomplish by putting the garters into the 02 input port, but you did not accomplish it.
[[Try something else.|PryOffPanel]](if: $anything_in_slot is false)[The slot is big enough to fit only a single flower into. What will you put in?
(if: $have_rosemary is true)[Rosemary: for rememberance ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_rosemary to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
](if: $have_pansy is true)[Pansy: for thought ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_pansy to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
](if: $have_fennel is true)[Fennel: for praiseworthiness ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_fennel to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
](if: $have_columbine is true)[Columbine: for folly ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_columbine to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
](if: $have_rue is true)[Rue: for regret ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_rue to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
](if: $have_daisy is true)[Daisy: for innocence ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_daisy to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
](if: $have_loveinidleness is true)[Love-in-idleness: for love at first sight ((link:"Put in?")[(set: $have_loveinidleness to false)(set: $flowers_held to $flowers_held - 1)(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(set: $love_in_slot to true)(goto:"FlowersInSlot")])
[[Put something else in the slot.|PryOffPanel]]](if: $anything_in_slot is true)[//You put the flower in the slot.// [[
Keep looking around.|Prepare]]](link:"Pour some fentanyl into the 02 feed slot?")[(set: $anything_in_slot to true)(set: $potion_in_slot to true)(goto:"Prepare")]
[[Put something else in the slot.|PryOffPanel]]
(if: $have_dagger is false)[Is that a //dagger// that you see before you? Why would there be a dagger in the kitchen? Maybe Yorick actually brought the monster onto the ship and was planning on trying to control it and have it kill the rest of the crew! And he planned on controlling the beast with ... an eight-inch dagger. Hmm ...
No, not especially likely.
On closer examination, it looks like it's actually just a rather big paring knife. You recall that Yorick was going to make a vegetable stew tonight.
(link:"Pick it up.")[(set: $have_dagger to true)(goto:"Examine Dagger")]](if: $have_dagger is true)[//You pry the knife out of the metal countertop and it makes a terrible metal-on-metal screeching sound.//]
[[Keep looking around.|Kitchen]]You pick the skull up from the floor.
Alas, you knew him well.
Well, not like //super// well. He'd only been working on the ship for a few months. He //seemed// super nice, though. He was an okay cook, too.
Which is really saying something, since he certainly didn't have much in terms of real food to work with.
You hang onto his skull, because who knows when you might need a friend's skull.
Well, aquaintance's skull, really.
[[Take the skull and keep looking around.|Kitchen]]
(set: $have_skull to true)(if: $have_handkerchief is false)[You take a closer look at the bloody handkerchief.
Oh. No, turns out it's not actually bloody. What you thought were blood spots are actually embroidered //strawberries//. Huh. Maybe it's symbolic. In any case, embroidery is much less exciting than blood splatters.
Because, you know, having a hulking beast pounding its way through a six-inch-thick metal door is not exciting enough.
(link:"Pick it up.")[(set: $have_handkerchief to true)(goto:"Examine Handkerchief")]](if: $have_handkerchief is true)[//You picked up the handkerchief and stuffed it in the pocket of your jumpsuit.//]
[[Keep looking around.|Bunks]]The medicine cabinet has a number of items that will be of absolutely no use to you, including: bandages (adhesive and non-adhesive), tablet painkillers, some alcohol pads, sterile gloves, tape, and a cold compress.
One thing that does catch your eye is a [[small vial of the strong painkiller fentanyl.|Examine Vial]]
[[Keep looking around.|Bunks]]Upon moving closer to the chest, you see a garment sticking out the side. The fabric is bright yellow and made out of a stretchy material, like lycra or nylon. It's tangled up with several black-fabric straps.
It's tough to make out exactly what type of garment it is.
[[Yank it out from the chest.|Examine Garters 2]]
[[Keep looking around.|Bunks]]Upon closer examination of the vial, you see that fentanyl is used as a fast-acting painkiller and anesthetic in very small doses. Larger doses can lead to coma, respiratory depression, and death.
Anecdotally, it has been known to slow heart rate to dangerously low levels, to the point where a person might appear to be dead.
(link:"Pick it up.")[(set: $have_potion to true)(goto:"Bunks")]
[[Keep looking around.|Bunks]]The chest was closed on top of it. You pull at the piece of cloth, and it stretches considerably before snapping out into your hands.
You lay it out on top of the chest and see that it is a pair of bright yellow stockings with black cross garters.
You try to think back to whose bunk this was. Mercutio? No, he was farther down. Malvolio, perhaps?
They're very high quality, and you feel vaguely jealous.
(link:"Pick them up.")[(set: $have_garters to true)(goto:"Bunks")]
[[Keep looking around.|Bunks]]The space suit must have gotten dislodged from the storage racks on the wall, as it's now lying in plain sight near the middle of the floor. The helmets are stored separately, so, at first glance, it looks slightly like a headless yellow body.
(if: $have_skull is true and $fake_head is false)[You could (link:"put the skull near the top of the space suit")[(set: $fake_head to true)(goto:"Space Suit")] to make it look slightly more like a dead body.
](if: $fake_head is true)[//You put Yorick's skull by the neck hole of the space suit. It looks a little like a dead body now.//
](if: $space_suit_on is false)[You can (link:"put the space suit on")[(set: $space_suit_on to true)(goto:"Space Suit On")], but you don't have the time or power to calibrate it, so you wouldn't be able to move once you got in. It's also a large suit, and you're rather petite. You'd be swimming in it. Not actually, of course; you wouldn't be moving much at all and would almost certainly sink if put in water, but you get my meaning.
]Just a few moments left to [[keep getting ready.|Prepare]]
You can also take another look in [[your inventory|Inventory Prep]].(if:$wielding_dagger is false)[(if: $have_dagger is true)[You can (link:"wield the paring knife")[(set:$wielding_dagger to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] as a weapon.
]](if:$wielding_dagger is true)[//You can (link:"stop wielding the paring knife")[(set:$wielding_dagger to false)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] as a weapon.//
](if: $have_skull is true and $wielding_skull is false)[You can (link:"wield Yorick's skull")[(set:$wielding_skull to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] as a weapon.
](if: $wielding_skull is true)[//You can (link:"stop wielding Yorick's skull")[(set:$wielding_skull to false)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] as a weapon.//
](if: $flowers_held > 1 and $have_bouquet is false)[You can (link:"make a small bouquet")[(set:$have_bouquet to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] with the inordinately large number of rare flowers you picked, disregarding all of their cryptic, unique qualities.
](if: $have_bouquet is true)[//You can (link:"disassemble")[(set:$have_bouquet to false)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] your pretty bouquet.//
](if: $have_potion is true and $dosed_with_potion is false)[You can (link:"drink a dose of the fentanyl")[(set:$dosed_with_potion to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] and be unconscious by the time the creature enters.
](if: $dosed_with_potion is true)[//You're starting to feel drowsy. You'll be unconscious, barely breathing, by the time the creature enters.//
](if: $have_handkerchief is true and $pocket_square is false and $mask is false)[You can (link:"fold the handkerchief")[(set:$pocket_square to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] into a pocket square and wear it in the front pocket of your jumpsuit. Or, I dunno, I guess you could (link:"tie it around your head")[(set:$mask to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] like a mask.
](if: $pocket_square is true)[//You're wearing the strawberry-embroidered handkerchief as a pocket square. You can take it out and (link:"tie it around your head")[(set:$mask to true)(set:$pocket_square)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] like a mask.//
](if: $mask is true)[//You're wearing the handkerchief around your head so that your nose and mouth are covered. The monster may be briefly afraid that you're going to try to steal its horse. You can (link:"take the mask off, fold it up, and wear it")[(set:$mask to false)(set: $pocket_square to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] as a pocket square.//
](if: $have_garters is true and $stockings_on_head is false and $stockings_on_legs is false)[You can (link:"put the yellow stockings on your head")[(set:$stockings_on_head to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] like a burglar. Or, you suppose you can (link:"put the stocking onto your legs")[(set:$stockings_on_legs to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")] like actual stockings. They'd fit, though only just barely, under your loose-fitting jumpsuit.
](if: $stockings_on_head is true)[//You've pulled the stockings over your head. You can still mostly breathe through the fabric, but they've tinted the world quite yellow. You can (link:"take them off your head and put them on your legs")[(set:$stockings_on_head to false)(set:$stockings_on_legs to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")], if you really want to.//
](if: $stockings_on_legs is true)[//You're wearing the yellow stockings with cross-garters under your jumpsuit. They were a little hard to get on, but they're much more comfortable than the jumpsuit on its own was. You know, I'm sure, how much those standard issue Galactic Federation jumpsuits can chafe. You can (link:"take the stockings off your legs and put them on your head")[(set:$stockings_on_legs to false)(set:$stockings_on_head to true)(goto:"Inventory Prep")], if you want.//
](if: $have_dagger is false and $have_skull is false and $have_potion is false and $have_handkerchief is false and $have_garters is false and $flowers_held is 0)[You're not carrying anything.
][[Keep getting ready.|Prepare]]
<!--(link:"")[(set:$ to )(goto:"Inventory Prep")]-->You're essentially immobilized inside the unpowered space suit.
(if: $fake_head is true)[Yorick's skull is resting right next to your head, but you had the good sense to face it the other direction so his creepy skull socket eyes aren't staring at you.(if: $stockings_on_head is false)[
This would almost be an effective way to make the monster overlook you, if it weren't for you actually head sticking out right next to the fake head.
Alas, there's not enough room in the suit to pull your head in like a turtle.](if: $stockings_on_head is true)[The color of the stockings is not all that dissimilar to the color of the space suit, and you can duck your head inside it a little bit to blend in even more. With the skull there, the monster just might not notice you.]](if: $fake_head is false)[You feel very exposed.(if: $stockings_on_head is true)[
Even with your stocking-covered head, which almost matches the color of the space suit, it's still very clearly sticking out of the space suit.(if: $mask is true)[
Your handkerchief mask doesn't make you any less conspicuous.]]]
You can (link:"get out of the space suit")[(set: $space_suit_on to false)(goto:"Prepare")], if you changed your mind about being totally immobilized when the monster comes in.
Or, you can [[lie quietly and wait|Creature Enters]] for the creature to enter.(if: $potion_in_slot is false and $love_in_slot is false)[(if: $fake_head is false or $stockings_on_head is false or $space_suit_on is false)[You wake up [[dead|Wake Up Dead]] some time later.](if: $fake_head is true and $stockings_on_head is true and $space_suit_on is true)[You [[awaken|Wake Up Hidden]] some time later.]](if: $potion_in_slot is true)[You awaken some time later. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the monster lying on the floor in front of the door. It's coming to, as well, and beginning to stand up. It looks right at you.(if: $space_suit_on is true)[
You might want to [[get out of that space suit.|Try To Get Out]]](if: $space_suit_on is false)[
It starts coming toward you. You [[stand up.|Fight]]]](if: $love_in_slot is true)[You [[awaken|Monster Lair]] some time later.](if: $fake_head is true and $stockings_on_head is true)[(if: $potion_in_slot is true)[Out of the corner of your eye, you see the creature stagger backward and fall. The fentanyl did its work. The stockings absorbed the majority of the moisture, so you are largely unaffected, though you feel a little groggy.
Best to move quickly. You get out of your suit and [[take care of the creature|Don't Pass Out Too]] while it's unconscious.](if: $love_in_slot is true)[The creature staggers backward, having inhaled the vaporous love-in-idleness that you put into the 02 feed.
It looks around, seeming to be confused.
Its eyes fall on where you're lying, and it comes over. It drops to its knees and picks up the skull with its two enormous, clawed hands.
Tears fill its eyes, and it howls in pain and, so far as you can read the emotions of alien monsters, sadness.
It rises, still holding the skull, and climbs back out through the hole in the door through which it came.
You lie still for several more minutes, and then carefully pick your way to the bridge. You can see the beast from the main viewing port. Its head is down and its steps are heavy as it moves back into the jungle.
[[It eventually moves out of sight.|Beacon]]](if: $potion_in_slot is false and $love_in_slot is false)[You remain very still. The creature sniffs around the room.
It comes over to where you're lying and nudges the skull with its foot.
The skull rolls off, and it looks at your head. Because the stocking on your head matches the color of the space suit, however, it doesn't notice that you're there.
It breaks through and searches all of the other rooms, but, finding nothing, furiously crawls back through the door it had broken through and heads back down the hall.
You lie still for several more minutes, and then carefully pick your way to the bridge. You can see the beast from the main viewing port. It roars wildly and runs back into the jungle.
[[You breathe a sigh of relief.|Beacon]]]](if: $fake_head is true and $stockings_on_head is false)[(if: $potion_in_slot is true)[Out of the corner of your eye, you see the creature stagger backward and fall. The fentanyl did its work.
You are, of course, not immune to the fentanyl, so you also quickly pass out.
You're unconscious for quite some time. So is the creature, but it seems that its metabolism is somewhat faster than yours. It wakes up before you, and you [[wake up dead|Wake Up Dead]] some time later.](if: $love_in_slot is true)[The creature staggers backward, having inhaled the vaporous love-in-idleness that you put into the 02 feed.
It looks around, seeming to be confused. You inhale the love-in-idleness as well.
Its eyes fall on where you're lying, and it comes over. It drops to its knees and picks up the skull with its two enormous, clawed hands.
Tears fill its eyes, and it howls in pain and, so far as you can read the emotions of alien monsters, sadness.
It begins to rise, and, as it does so, your head comes into view. It looks at you for only the briefest of seconds before turning its attention back to the skull in its claws. It howls again and cradles the skull in its arms as it climbs back out through the hole in the door through which it came.
You lie still for several more minutes, and then carefully pick your way to the bridge. You can see the beast from the main viewing port. Its head is down and its steps are heavy as it moves back into the jungle.
It was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. And it walked away without sparing you a second glance.
You rummage through the ship's files until you find a map of the area.
You pack a bag, and head off after the creature. You simply [[can't bare|The End]] being apart from it.](if: $potion_in_slot is false and $love_in_slot is false)[You remain very still. The creature sniffs around the room.
It comes over to where you're lying and nudges the skull with its foot.
The skull rolls off, and it looks at your head. It seems to smile, realizing your ploy and revelling in having found you.
You pull your arms free from the arms of the suit, and begin working on the latch by your neck.
As you do so, however, the monster leans down and [[eats you.|Bad Luck]]]](if: $fake_head is false and $stockings_on_head is true)[(if: $potion_in_slot is true)[Out of the corner of your eye, you see the creature stagger backward and fall. The fentanyl did its work. The stockings absorbed the majority of the moisture, so you are largely unaffected, though you feel a little groggy.
Best to move quickly. You get out of your suit and [[take care of the creature|Don't Pass Out Too]] while it's unconscious.](if: $love_in_slot is true)[The creature staggers backward, having inhaled the vaporous love-in-idleness that you put into the 02 feed.
It looks around, seeming to be confused.
Its eyes fall on where you're lying, and it comes over.
It nudges your head with a clawed hand, and then delicately plucks the stockings off your head.
The love-in-idleness has done its work. It looks at you, hopelessly in love.
You look up at it, realizing what you've done.
You smile from underneath your makeshift mask, and pick your way out of your space suit. It waits patiently for you, its eyes wide with anticipation.
You slip around it and make your way through the broken door toward the bridge. It follows you, keeping thunderous pace just a step behind.
You go to the bridge and activate the distress beacon. The beast looks on curiously.
Help is on the way, but it will take up to seven days.
What will you do until then? How do you suppose the creature will handle rejection when rescue comes?
You go and grab the chess board from the rec room. It's going to be a [[long week.|The End]]](if: $potion_in_slot is false and $love_in_slot is false)[You remain very still. The creature sniffs around the room.
It comes over to where you're lying and leans down to examine the suit more closely.
It nudges your head with a clawed hand, and then delicately plucks the stockings off your head.
The beast seems to smile, realizing your ploy and revelling in having found you.
You pull your arms free from the arms of the suit, and begin working on the latch by your neck.
As you do so, however, the monster [[eats you.|Bad Luck]]]](if: $fake_head is false and $stockings_on_head is false)[(if: $potion_in_slot is true)[Out of the corner of your eye, you see the creature stagger backward and fall. The fentanyl did its work.
You are, of course, not immune to the fentanyl, so you also quickly pass out.
You're unconscious for quite some time. So is the creature, but it seems that its metabolism is somewhat faster than yours. It wakes up before you, and you [[wake up dead|Wake Up Dead]] some time later.](if: $love_in_slot is true)[The creature staggers backward, having inhaled the vaporous love-in-idleness that you put into the 02 feed.
It looks around, seeming to be confused.
Its eyes fall on where you're lying, and it comes over.
The love-in-idleness has done its work. It looks at you, hopelessly in love.
You look up at it, hopelessly in love as well.
You smile.
It smiles, and [[takes you home.|The End]]](if: $potion_in_slot is false and $love_in_slot is false)[You remain very still. The creature sniffs around the room.
It comes over to where you're lying and leans down to examine the suit more closely.
The beast seems to smile as if wondering how you thought you could fool it like it like this.
You pull your arms free from the arms of the suit, and begin working on the latch by your neck.
As you do so, however, the monster [[eats you.|Bad Luck]]]]The thing comes toward you.
(if: $wielding_dagger is true or $wielding_skull is true)[(if: $wielding_dagger is true)[You are holding the paring knife in your hand.](if: $wielding_skull is true)[You are holding Yorick's skull in your hand.]
[[Throw it?|Throw]]
[[Rush the monster and hit it?|Attack]](if: $have_bouquet is true)[
[[Give the monster the bouqet you made.|Give Bouquet]]]
[[Drop it and run away?|Run After Attack]]](if: $wielding_dagger is false and $wielding_skull is false)[You're empty handed.
[[Scramble in your pockets for something to use as a weapon.|Scramble]](if: $have_bouquet is true)[
[[Give the monster the bouqet you made.|Give Bouquet]]]
[[Run.|Run After Attack]]]Er, figure of speech. You don't wake up at all.
[[The monster ate you while you were unconscious.|The End]]You pull the stocking off your head and take a look around.
No monster. You're not sure how much time has passed, but judging by how you feel - really, //really// awful - it may have been as much as several days.
You survived, though. Better lock the doors, clean yourself up, and [[send out a distress beacon.|Beacon]]You activate your ship's distress beacon.
You rummage through a nearby storage chest, pull out a pack of cards, and start a game of solitaire.
[[Rescue might be a while.|The End]]You quickly pull your arms out of the sleeves and begin to undo the latch around the neck.
As you do so, however, the monster comes over and [[eats you.|Bad Luck]]Aw, bad luck!
Well, not that bad. You put yourself into that situation. There IS a [[way to survive|The End]] hiding in there, of course ... you just didn't have it totally figured out. You're in a dank cave, lying on a mat of reeds and animal fur.
You hear a noise from farther back in the cave. You sit up, startled, and a bone of some animal clacks to the stone floor, echoing loudly.
A shadow grows on the wall, and the same creature from the ship comes into view, carrying a large hunk of meat on a bone - a leg of a large quadroped, you assume.
The beast looks you directly in the eye and comes toward you.
It places the hunk of meat on the ground in front of the mat and steps back. It looks up at you, hopefully.
The love-in-idleness in the air system worked. The creature is hopelessly infatuated with you.
(if: $mask is true or $stockings_on_head is true)[Your makeshift mask shielded you from the flower's effects.
You look up into its eyes and smile warmly.
How well do you suppose the thing will [[handle rejection?|The End]]](if: $mask is false and $stockings_on_head is false)[You, of course, inhaled just as much of it as the creature did.
You look up into its eyes, and you recall the name that your crewmate McLaughlin called the thing: [[Caliban.]]]"Caliban," you say.
[["I'm home."|The End]](if: $wielding_dagger is true)[You throw the dagger at the creature.
Your aim is true. It hits the creature squarely in the chest and sticks halfway up to the hilt.
The beast screams in rage as it continues toward you. With a huge claw, it reaches up to the dagger and plucks it out. It scatters to the floor, drenched in yellow blood.
[[Run.|Run After Attack]]](if: $wielding_skull is true)[You throw the skull at the creature.
Your aim is true. It hits the creature squarely between the eyes and bounces away.
The creature stops running and shakes its head. It looks at you with what might be a puzzled expression, and then to the skull on the floor, and then back to you.
[[Run.|Run After Attack]]
[[Say something witty.|Witty]]]You step toward the enormous, incredibly strong monster that just broke through a twelve-inch thick metal door, holding up your (if: $wielding_dagger is true)[eight-inch long paring knife.](if: $wielding_skull)[makeshift club made from a human skull.]
You swing your arm in a wide arc toward the thing's face, but your arm doesn't complete that arc because it bit your arm off.
But, it [[doesn't stop there.|The End]](if: $pocket_square is true)[
And it didn't say anything about how nice your pocket square looks.](if: $stockings_on_legs is true)[
And it didn't even //acknowledge// your fashionable leggings.]You spin on your heel and run.
Well, your legs are running, but you don't seem to be going anywhere.
Oh, that's because the monster has picked you up.
Oops, and now it's [[eaten you|The End]].(if: $pocket_square is true)[
And it didn't say anything about how nice your pocket square looks.](if: $stockings_on_legs is true)[
And it didn't even //acknowledge// your fashionable leggings.](either: "What's the matter? Don't like going head to head?", "Remember him? A fellow of infinite jest, he was. I guess he had the last laugh!", "What's the matter? Suffering the //skulls// and arrows of outrageous fortune?", "Get THAT through your thick skull!", "Take that, //bonehead//!")
[[Laugh.]]You laugh in the creature's face.
It seems to smile back.
Er, no, it was just opening its mouth to [[eat you.|The End]](if: $pocket_square is true)[
And it didn't say anything about how nice your pocket square looks.](if: $stockings_on_legs is true)[
And it didn't even //acknowledge// your fashionable leggings.]THE END
[[Start again?|Start]]
//Thanks for playing! There are about 15 different endings (though most of them are only slightly different, and about half of them are you being eaten).//You look down at your pocket to see what you could use as a weapon.
By the time you look back up, [[you've been eaten.|The End]] (if: $pocket_square is true)[
And it didn't say anything about how nice your pocket square looks.](if: $stockings_on_legs is true)[
And it didn't even //acknowledge// your fashionable leggings.]You hold out the beautiful bouquet that you made of rare, Old Earth flowers.
The creature skids to a halt and looks at the bouquet questioningly. It smells it, looks at you approvingly, and then takes a big bite out the bouquet.
Oops, it was a very big bite. It took your hand and part of your arm, too.
[[And it doens't stop there.|The End]](if: $pocket_square is true)[
And it didn't say anything about how nice your pocket square looks.](if: $stockings_on_legs is true)[
And it didn't even //acknowledge// your fashionable leggings.]The mist from the vent drifts into the creature's eyes, and it staggers backward.
(if: $mask is true or $stockings_on_head is true)[It drifts toward you as well, but the [[moisture is absorbed|Don't Love It Back]] by your makeshift mask before it can get into your eyes.](if: $mask is false and $stockings_on_head is false)[It drifts toward you as well. It reaches your eyes, and you [[stagger backward|Love It Back]] as well.]The fentanyl has done its work, though. The creature stumbles backward and falls to the floor.
(if: $mask is true or $stockings_on_head is true)[It drifts toward you as well, but the [[moisture is absorbed|Don't Pass Out Too]] by your makeshift mask before you can breathe it in.](if: $mask is false and $stockings_on_head is false)[It drifts toward you as well. It reaches your lungs, and you [[stagger backward|Pass Out Too]] as well.]The love-in-idleness has done its work. It looks at you, hopelessly in love.
You look up at it, realizing what you've done.
You smile from underneath your makeshift mask, and edge your way past the thing. It follows you, keeping thunderous pace just a step behind.
You go to the bridge and activate the distress beacon. The beast looks on curiously.
Help is on the way, but it will take up to seven days.
What will you do until then? How do you suppose the creature will handle rejection when rescue comes?
You go and grab the chess board from the rec room. It's going to be a [[long week|The End]].The love-in-idleness has done its work.
You look up at it, and it looks back up at you.
Time slows.
You smile.
It smiles back ... and [[takes you home.|The End]]You drag the beast back down the long hallway and toss it out the cargo hatch. It rolls down the grassy hill your space ship is parked on.
You activate all the locks and run up to the bridge. You hit the distress beacon switch, and then you activate the ship's automated defenses, and you turn on the force field, and you enable the motion sensors, and you grab the pulse shotgun from the storage chest in the corner and make sure it's fully loaded.
Then you pull out a deck of cards and start a game of solitaire. [[Rescue might be a while|The End]]. You begin to fall backward, but fall fully unconscious first.
You're unconsious for quite some time. So is the creature, but it seems that its metabolism is somewhat faster than yours. It wakes up before you, and you [[wake up dead|Wake Up Dead]] some time later.